Hand Sewn Welted
So Tsuchiya
Born in Tokyo, Japan.
Charmed by leather, left his career as a professional dancer and learned shoe making at school.
Engaged in patternmaking and sewing at a prosthetic appliance maker.
Trained in making made-to-order shoes and lasts at Shoe Workshop Hiro headed by Hiro Saito.
In 2006, opened his shoe atelier and shoe making school Sola One Love in Kunitachi, Tokyo.
Until now, has measured and made personalized lasts for over 200 students and taught them shoe making.
Moved by the beauty of the shoes made by a legendary Japanese artisan, trained with shoe artisan Reiko Tsukui to further improve his skills in the hand sewn welted method.
In 2015, established his own bespoke shoe salon So Tsuchiya in Tokyo, Japan.
From 2017, Teach last making in shoe college.
In 2019, Ranked 7th in the World Championship in shoemaking 2019.
1995年、『空one love 靴工房』を国立に開設し、一人一人の足に合わせた木型から靴を作る教室をスタート。これまでに600人以上の足を計測し、木型を作成。靴作りを指導する。
一方、日本の伝説の靴職人が手掛けた靴の美しさに感動し、靴職人・津久井玲子氏に師事、Hand Sewn Welted製法の技術を磨く。
2015年、オーダー靴サロン『So Tsuchiya』を設立。
2019年、World Championship in shoemaking 2019にて、 世界大会7位入賞。